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Greater Yellowstone Wildlife Habitat Bank

Bordering the Shoshone National Forest and approximately 40 miles from Yellowstone National Park, the Greater Yellowstone Wildlife Habitat Bank contains some of the region’s most sensitive habitat for grizzly bears, gray wolves, mule deer, elk, and numerous other Yellowstone species of concern. In the area considered the gateway to Yellowstone, this property supports sensitive year-round habitat for many species, including breeding and denning habitat for grizzly bears. Biological surveys, photo points, and remote camera plots have captured extensive use by moose, mule deer, gray wolves, elk, black and grizzly bears, cougars, bobcats, and many other species including juveniles of multiple species. This project has a complete suite of biological exhibits containing all of the wildlife and vegetation data necessary to support some of the highest quality biodiversity credits in the region. This Bank is anticipated to be finalized by Fall 2023.

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